Business, India

SC cancels parole of ‘Sahara Shri’, asks to surrender in a week!

TIL Desk Legal/New Delhi/ Sahara Chief Subrata Roy and two other group directors will have to surrender to custody within a week, with the Supreme Court today terminating the “interim arrangements” of granting parole to them.

The apex court, earlier in the day, was infuriated due to some alleged intemperate remarks of Sahara counsel and senior advocate Rajeev Dhawan, and had cancelled “all interim arrangements” granting parole to Roy and Sahara directors Ashok Roy Choudhary and Ravi Shankar Dubey, and ordered that they be taken into custody.

However later, the apex court granted a week to embattled Roy, whose other senior counsel Kapil Sibal rushed to the court for damage control.

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