TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah on Saturday pushed back Congress chief Rahul Gandhis attacks on the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi with a telling tweet: “Midas Touch, no deal is too much! “When he has a say, his business partners make hay. Doesn’t matter if India suffers on the way! #StealLikeRaga.”
The reference was to a media expose on how his former business partner at Backops Limited in the UK — the same company that in its documents for incorporation had said that Rahul Gandhi was a British citizen — had got offset defence contracts during UPA rule.
The former partner, Ulrik Mcknight, who was also co-owner at BackOps, acquired defence assets when the UPA was in power at the Centre. The media story claimed that Rahul Gandhi had a 65 per cent stake in Backops between 2003 and 2009, when it was wound up.
However, after that McKnight acquired offset contracts from French defence supplier Naval Group against Scorpene submarines in 2011. He also went on and signed a contract with a Visakhapatnam-based firm for the supply of critical parts for the Scorpene missile.