TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday told the Lok Sabha that rapes in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh shelter homes are “sad and shameful” and assured that steps would be taken to prevent recurrence of such acts and that no culprit would escape action.
“I direct the ministry concerned to issue advisories to all states so that no such incident is repeated. Running shelter homes can be investigated,” Singh assured the opposition. “Whatever happened in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is sad and shameful,” he said during the Question Hour.
However, there was again an uproar after the Union Minister praised and congratulated Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s government for taking “concrete steps” after the Deoria shelter home crime surfaced.
“He (Adityanath) called a meeting of all the officers and directed them to take strict action. No culprit will escape action The District Planning Officer was suspended and the managers of the shelter home were arrested,” Rajnath Singh said.