TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday said the Shiv Sena must realise that it cannot play the role of a ruling party and opposition simultaneously.
His comments came as the BJP-Sena coalition government completed its three years in office on Monday.”Some Sena leaders have developed the habit of opposing everything our government does… One can understand opposition to a few things as they are a different party,” Fadnavis said.
“How is it alright if you oppose everything? How can it be that you are in government and opposition at the same time? People do not like this,” the chief minister said during an interaction at his official residence in south Mumbai. Due to such statements by some (Sena) leaders, neither they nor their party benefits, Fadnavis, who was sworn in as chief minister on October 31, 2014, said.
“While being part of the government, if you want to take credit, you should also learn to take discredit … It cannot happen that you claim credit and give discredit to others,” the chief minister said.