Delhi-NCR, India, State

Take off your political glasses and see the real Narendra Modi

Take off your political glasses and see the real Narendra Modi

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi- “TAKE off your political glasses and see the real Narendra Modi…Don’t judge me through perceived notions,” this was the Prime Minister’s message to the media when asked him what the real Modi was like. “There is nothing like real Modi or fake Modi. A human being is a human being,” the PM said, in a rare peek into a side of himself.

Asked pointedly what the real Modi was like – the lohpurush that the BJP projected during the election campaign or the emotional man who wept when he entered Parliament for the first time – the Prime Minister said: “A soldier who bravely fights on the border, and the same soldier when he plays with his daughter cannot behave in the same manner.

Narendra Modi, whatever he is, is after all a human being. Why should I suppress or hide what’s inside me? I’m what I am. Let people see what they see. As far as my duties and responsibilities are concerned, I have to fulfil them to the best of my abilities. If I have to take strong decisions for the country’s sake, then I will have to make those decisions. If I have to work hard for that then I will have to. If I have to bend I’ll bend. If I have to walk fast then I’ll walk fast.”

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