TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Former Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yashwant Sinha on Monday said the government would not order any probe into the reports of exchange of currency notes worth Rs 745.58 crore at the Ahmedabad District Cooperative Bank, in which BJP president Amit Shah is a director, within five days of the announcement of demonetisation.
There is an “undeclared Emergency” in the country which is more dangerous than the one declared by the Indira Gandhi government in 1975, he said, addressing an Aam Aadmi Party rally in Varanasi over phone. The former Union finance minister said democracy was in danger and a “joke of the Constitution was being made”.
“All the government agencies and institutions are being misused and are working on their direction,” Sinha, who quit the BJP in April, said. “They would order probes in cases involving others, but they won’t order any probe into the allegations levelled against those in high positions in the (Union) government,” he said.
Sinha said, “Democracy was in danger and all the government institutions and agencies like the Enforcement Directorate, Central Bureau of Investigation and the Income Tax department were being misused and were working on their direction.” He pointed out that a retired Supreme Court judge had said not everything was well within the judiciary.