Delhi-NCR, India, State

Those scared of BJP are free to leave party: Rahul Gandhi

Those scared of BJP are free to leave party: Rahul Gandhi

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said those who were afraid of facing the reality and the Bharatiya Janata Party were free to leave the party, while fearless leaders outside the party should be brought in.

Addressing party’s social media workers at an online event, Gandhi said those who were afraid had left the party and cited the example of Jyotiraditya Scindia.

“There are many people who are not scared, but are outside the Congress. All these people are ours. Bring them in, and those scared within our party should be shunted out,” he told the social media workers.

“They are RSS people and they should go, let them enjoy. We do not want them, they are not needed. We want fearless people. This is our ideology. This is my basic message to you,” he also said.

Rahul Gandhi also urged the party workers to bring in people who want to save the country and who believe in the ideology of the country and the Congress.

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