TIL Desk/National/Lucknow/ Two weeks after taking oath, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will hold the first meeting of his cabinet today at 5 pm. Key issues in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s poll manifesto, especially farmers loan waiver, could be taken up at the meeting. Though state Health Minister Siddharth Nath Singh maintained that the agenda of the meeting was yet to be finalised, sources said the government was likely to take a decision on waiving the loans of small and marginal farmers.
The BJP, in its Lok Kalyan Sankalp Patra (manifesto), had promised to waive the loans of small and marginal farmers and Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in his election speeches that writing off farmers loans would be among the foremost tasks of the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh. Modi had promised during his election campaign that a decision on loan waiver would be taken at the first cabinet meeting of the BJP government in the state.
According to officials, there are around 2.30 crore farmers in Uttar Pradesh of whom, around 2.15 crore fall in the small and marginal category. They had suffered losses due to natural calamities in the recent past and were unable to repay loans amounting to about Rs 62,000 crore. As the figure is huge, the Uttar Pradesh government is mulling various options, including raising loans, to honour the saffron partys commitment to waive the loans of small and marginal farmers.