Delhi-NCR, India, State

We will fight the politics of anger: Cong president

We will fight the politics of anger: Cong president

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Rahul Gandhi addresses the crowds at the event to mark his elevation as the Congress party president.

Here’s the highlights of what he said in his first speech as president.

The Congress took India to the 21st century, but the Prime Minister today is taking us back to medieval times.

These regressive forces don’t win because they are right, they win because they are powerful. Their power is manipulative and distorted, and stains everything it touches. They can only defeat us if we back down.

a. Like many Indians across the country, I’m an idealist.

b. Many of us are disillusioned by the politics of our time. Today, politics is devoid of kindness and truth.

c. We will make Congress India’s grand old and young party.

d. Politics belongs to the people, but today politics is not being used for people. It is not being used to uplift people, but to crush them.

e. We fight for those who cannot fight alone. This spirit of our freedom movement is the light of our party today. We consider the BJP our brothers and sisters, even though we do not agree with them.

f. The Congress is an ancient idea. The BJP would have you believe that they are the oldest idea in the universe. As usual, this is not the truth. In India, there are two ideas that have clashed – the idea of the self versus the other. Those in the BJP are soldiers fighting for themselves. The Congress is guided by service of community.

g. I want the Congress party to become an instrument for dialogue between all of us, from all corners of our great country. And our dialogue will always be led by light and affection.

h. It is with the deepest humility, that I accept this position (of Congress President), knowing that I will always be walking in the shadow of giants.

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