
Fully committed to start Tokyo Games on July 24: IOC chief

Fully committed to start Tokyo Games on July 24: IOC chief

TIL Desk Sports/ With doubts raising over the Tokyo Olympic Games amid coronavirus outbreak, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach said the body is fully committed to make sure the tournament goes on as per schedule and turns out to be a successful event.

However, addressing Japanese media on Thursday, Bach said that at this point of time, he doesn”t want to create any speculation and wants to reassure the athletes and to encourage them to go ahead with full steam with regard to their training and their preparations for the Tokyo Games.

“The official position of the IOC is that we are fully committed to the success of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and that we are already now doing everything to ensure not only the success off the Games, but also to ensure the qualification and the preparations of the athletes of the world, because the safety of every participant at the Olympic Games, be it athlete, official, spectator, is the top priority for the IOC and also for the Organising Committee Tokyo 2020,” he said.

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