TIL Desk Sports/ India jumped to the top of the pecking order as young Manu Bhaker clinched a gold medal while her compatriot Ravi Kumar bagged a bronze in the ISSF World Cup in Guadalajara, Mexico. Bhaker beat a two-time World Cup Finals winner and the host country’s Alejandra Zavala, with a 10.8 in the last shot of the 24 shot final, to come out on top with a score of 237.5.
Zavala ended at 237.1 while Celine Goberville of France won the bronze with a score of 217.0.India’s Yashaswini Singh Deswal missed out on a medal, finishing fourth with 196.1. 16-year-old Bhaker, who recently secured a quota place for the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games, won a sensational gold to continue India’s surge in the season’s first World Cup.
Earlier, Ravi Kumar won his first World Cup medal- a bronze in the Men’s 10M Air Rifle event. Ravi had made it to three finals last year, including in the World Cup Finals, without winning a medal.
He shot 226.4 and had to beat compatriot Deepak Kumar in a shoot-off for third and fourth spots in the final. Talented young Hungarian Istvan Peni, the world number one, won the Gold, shooting 249.5 while Austria’s Alexander Schmirl won Silver with 248.7.