TIL Desk Sports/ Virat Kohli and Hardik Pandya now find themselves at the heart of the COVID-19 protocol breach controversy. Australian daily newspapers have reported that the Indian skipper and the star all-rounder breached bio-security when they shopped at a baby store on December 7. By posing with folks at the baby store, the soon-to-be-daddy and the just-become-daddy inadvertently breached Cricket Australia’s biosecurity norms, an official told.
Over a week later, according to the report, the Indian players made a late-night stop-off at the Waffle and Coffee in Leigh Street in Adelaide. A couple of them went inside to place the order, while others sat at a table outside. This was another breach of the protocol as the players who went inside didn’t wear masks.
According to reports, both instances were minor breaches unlike the one involving the five Indian players who created a meltdown on Twitter on Saturday and Sunday. Both Kohli and Pandya have since returned to Mumbai, seem in perfect health (touch wood) and brought in 2021 together with their wives and friends.