
Kohli shares pearls of wisdom with India colts ahead of final

Kohli shares pearls of wisdom with India colts ahead of final

TIL Desk Sports/ Virat Kohli knows exactly how it feels to be on top of the world when one has barely attained the age to own a driving license. He also knows how it feels when criticism flies thick and fast when one doesn’t perform as per potential after a global trophy.

And no one knows more than Kohli how it feels to be a world beater at a level where it matters the most. When members of the Under-19 World Cup connected on a Zoom call from their respective hotel rooms in Antigua, they had none other than Kohli himself waiting to congratulate them and tell them what it means to play an Under-19 World Cup final.

Led by Yash Dhull, India will take on England in the Under-19 final on Saturday.  It will be India’s fourth successive final since 2016. And Kohli knows a thing or two about winning high pressure final at the junior level when he captained the side to beat South Africa on a balmy evening in Kuala Lumpur in 2008.

Fourteen summers since, Kohli is now a former leader and a veteran of the senior team with more than 20k international runs to his credit. And the 33-year-old Kohli was requested to share some nuggets of knowledge with the Indian Colts, as few can reveal what it takes to make the grade.

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