
Legendary Cricketer Gavaskar reacts to Kohli’s comments

Legendary Cricketer Gavaskar reacts to Kohli's comments

TIL Desk Sports/ After Virat Kohli contradicted Sourav Ganguly’s remarks about the former skipper’s decision to step down as India’s captain in T20I format, legendary cricketer Sunil Gavaskar said that the BCCI chief should be asked “why there is this discrepancy”.

Days after Kohli stepped down as Team India’s T20I captain, BCCI chief Ganguly revealed that the board had requested the former skipper to not relinquish the captaincy in the shortest format. However, on Wednesday, Test captain Kohli claimed that the Indian cricket board never asked him to reconsider giving up the captaincy in the shortest format.

With the contradictory claims from Kohli and Ganguly, Gavaskar reacted to the development, saying, “I think it (Kohli’s comments) actually doesn’t bring the BCCI into the picture. I think it’s the individual who has to be asked where he got the impression he had conveyed such a message to Kohli.”

“So that’s the only thing. Ganguly is the BCCI president and surely he should be asked why there is this discrepancy. He is probably the best person to ask about the discrepancy in what you seem to have to say and what the Indian captain has said,” Gavaskar was quoted as saying.

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