
No need for Saina to stay away from PBL: Vimal Kumar

No need for Saina to stay away from PBL: Vimal Kumar

TIL Desk Sports/ Coach Vimal Kumar has said there is no need for ace shuttler Saina Nehwal to stay away from playing PBL as the badminton league is not a “strenuous affair” like international tournaments. “There is no need for Saina to stay away from playing Premier Badminton League. It adds to her career profile. The league will not not be a strenuous affair because it is not as competitive as international tournaments,” Kumar told.

When asked whether it would be prudent to rest Saina for Premier Badminton League as she has just recovered from an injury. Saina endured a difficult season this year as she recovered from a foot injury to win the Australian Open but suffered a major knee injury around the Rio Olympics to bow out of the the event in the second round. Kumar said the PBL is not played for two months as IPL. “PBL is not like IPL or any other cricket league, which goes on for two months. It goes on for two weeks, which gets a lot of attention,” he said.

Moreover, PBL will not affect the training session of Saina because there are as many as 16 international events, which will keep her fit, Kumar said. “PBL will in no way affect the training programme of the Indian women’s singles star because there are at 15 to 16 international tournaments,” he said. Also, Saina will get adequate time to prepare for big events after PBL, and hence it should not bother her, Kumar said.

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