State, Uttar Pradesh

Apollo Medics Hospital Organized Cancer Awareness Program “Sankalp”

Apollo Medics Hospital Organized Cancer Awareness Program "Sankalp"
  • Cancer awareness program focused on childhood cancer.
  • Cancer survivors shared their success stories and presented a play.

TIL Desk Lucknow:👉September is being observed as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. On this occasion, Apollo Medics Super Specialty Hospital has taken a significant initiative to raise awareness and prevention of cancer in children. On Sunday, Apollo Hospital organized the event “Sankalp,” themed “Sankalp to Defeat Cancer.”

Apollo Hospital partnered with DigiSwasthya, NGO CanKids-Kidscan, which works on childhood cancer awareness, and sports partner Decathlon for this event. The highlight of the event was the “Cyclothon for a Cause,” where over 250 people participated. The Cyclothon started from Apollo Medics Hospital in the LDA Colony in the morning. The cancer awareness cycling rally passed through Bungalow Pul, Jail Road, and Home Guard Crossing, making a turn from Kanshiram Memorial back to Bungalow Pul, concluding at Apollo Medics Hospital. The residents of Lucknow sent a message of defeating cancer through this Cyclothon.

Prof. Archana Kumar, Head of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology at Apollo Medics Super Specialty Hospital, stated that the number of childhood cancer cases is rising. According to the National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP) report, around 4% of all cancer patients are children aged 0-14. Childhood cancer is the fifth leading cause of child death globally, with leukemia (blood cancer) being the most common type among children under 15 years.

Prof, Archana Kumar Said, September is recognized globally as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the fact that around 400,000 children between birth and 19 years develop cancer annually. While improved treatments have significantly increased survival rates to over 80% in high-income countries, the same success has not been achieved in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where over 80% of children with cancer live. In these regions, survival rates range from 20% to 60%, resulting in a high mortality rate. In India, approximately 50,000 to 70,000 children under 20 are diagnosed with cancer each year, with survival rates varying between 20% and 80%. Uttar Pradesh alone carries an estimated 4% of the global childhood cancer burden. Unlike adult cancers, childhood cancers, such as leukemias, lymphomas, brain tumors, and other solid tumors like neuroblastoma and kidney tumors, have higher cure rates. However, in LMICs, late diagnosis and referral due to a lack of awareness about early symptoms, insufficient expertise, and inadequate healthcare facilities contribute to poor outcomes. To combat these challenges, a ‘Sankalp’ or pledge is being made to raise awareness and dispel myths about childhood cancer through a ‘Cyclothon.’ Our ‘cancer warriors’—children who have survived cancer—will serve as advocates for this crucial cause.

Cancer Survivors Shared Their Success Stories
The program’s main focus was on cancer survivors. Over 70 cancer survivors participated in the event and shared their experiences battling cancer. Additionally, they performed a street play to raise awareness among the people of Lucknow. Eleven survivors portrayed their journey from the onset of the disease to defeating cancer through this theatrical presentation.

The event was graced by Chief Guest KGMU CMS Prof. BK Ojha special guests included Lucknow Divisional Commissioner Dr. Roshan Jacob (IAS), and Municipal Commissioner Indrajit Singh (IAS). Two of the cancer warriors were awarded bicycles, and one participant of the Cyclothon was also given a bicycle. The event was also attended by retired CRPF DG Dr. AP Maheshwari (IPS).

Dr. Mayank Somani, Managing Director and CEO of Apollo Medics Super Specialty Hospital, mentioned that childhood cancer cases are continuously emerging, but awareness can help prevent it. The crucial aspect is that most childhood cancers can be effectively treated with accurate diagnosis at the right time. Apollo Medics Super Specialty Hospital has organized this program to protect children from this deadly disease.

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