State, Uttar Pradesh

Causis group proposed to invest Rs 1.25 lakh crore in UP to revolutionise the EV ecosystem in the state

Causis group proposed to invest Rs 1.25 lakh crore in UP to revolutionise the EV ecosystem in the state

TIL Desk Lucknow/ UK-based electric mobility technology company, Causis Group, is on a mission to provide the highest quality mobility services to the ever-growing urban population in the developing world while cleaning the air and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CAUSIS is also dedicated to the development of a complete mass transit ecosystem solution for local and national governments across the globe.

The group has partnered with the government of Uttar Pradesh to transform mass mobility and impact the way people move and has signed an MoU worth Rs 1.25 lakh crore for investment in the EV ecosystem and EV technology park.

Mr. Ram Tumuluri, Chief Executive Officer, Causis Group Ltd., said, “We are excited and positive with such commitment in the EV space in Uttar Pradesh. The state government has committed to transforming modern commuting methods, and we will assist them in realising their vision through our technological expertise and years of experience.”

The commitment by the group will translate into a complete revamping of transportation into an “electric platform” by introducing over 40,000 buses in five years. CAUSIS will also invest Rs 80,000 crore in vehicle financing as part of the road map for commissioning the EV Ecosystem for mass transit in UP State and by offering products under the banner “Make in UP.”

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