Business, State, Uttar Pradesh

Dabur Chyawanprash Organizes Awareness Session on Boosting Immunity

Dabur Chyawanprash Organizes Awareness Session on Boosting Immunity

TIL Desk Lucknow:👉In India, the monsoon and the changing seasons afterward bring various illnesses, with children being particularly affected when their immunity is low. Due to the drop in temperature and increase in humidity levels, infections are common during the monsoon. This results in the spread of diseases such as cold and cough, malaria, dengue, typhoid, and pneumonia. The hot and humid climate can lead to several infections, which spread faster if immunity is weak. To combat these diseases and strengthen the immune system, Dabur Chyawanprash organized an awareness session for students at Bal Nikunj Girls Academy, Beligarad Branch, Sector P, Aliganj. Present during the session were Dr. R.C. Upreti, Ayurveda Physician from Shiva Hospital, Academy MD H.N. Jaiswal, Principal Dr. Anoop Kumari Shukla, Coordinator Sudhir Mishra, and O.P. Verma.

Prashant Agarwal, Marketing Head – Health Supplements, Dabur India Limited, stated, “With Ayurveda’s rich heritage and deep knowledge of nature, Dabur has always focused on safe, cost-effective, and effective healthcare for all through authentic research. Ayurveda texts and manuscripts offer us valuable insights, and we are currently using our products to address various diseases in India. People in India prefer herbal and botanical extracts for their natural benefits as a medical intervention. Dabur Chyawanprash is a formulation crafted using the ancient Indian wisdom and science of Ayurveda with modern technology. This product is an ideal way to protect oneself from everyday infections. Amla (Indian gooseberry), the main ingredient in Dabur Chyawanprash, is known for its immunity-boosting properties. Additionally, other ingredients like Guduchi, Pippali, Kantakari, Kakdasringi, Bhumyamalaki, Vasaka, Pushkarmool, Prishniparni, Shalparni, and others help reduce common infections and respiratory allergies. Chyawanprash is a balanced mixture of many beneficial herbs, providing immunity during the monsoon season and promoting better health.”

On this occasion, Dr. Upreti shared valuable information with the students about boosting immunity and explained how medicines based on centuries-old Ayurvedic practices help fight monsoon germs when taken in the right dosage. While allopathic medicine treats diseases, the formulas given in ancient Indian herbs and Ayurveda make our lifestyle healthy and energetic. Rasayana, one of Ayurveda’s eight specialties, describes ways to promote rejuvenation, dietary discipline, and behaviors that enhance special health. Using two teaspoons of Dabur Chyawanprash daily is a way to incorporate rasayana into the daily diet.

Dr. Upreti added, “Chyawanprash is a well-known Ayurvedic formula that has been used for decades to boost immunity and provide protection from infections. Based on this centuries-old formula, Dabur Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic supplement that contains the qualities of various herbs and minerals. Due to its immune-boosting properties, Dabur Chyawanprash helps prevent several illnesses. Dabur has conducted various clinical and preclinical studies that confirm its beneficial effects on immunity, seasonal changes, nasal allergies, and infections. Chyawanprash, as described in ancient Ayurvedic texts, helps balance the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Dabur Chyawanprash helps activate dendritic cells, NK cells, and macrophages, which fight germs.”

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