State, Uttar Pradesh

Impressive Display by Naval Cadets during Visit of Maj. Gen. Sanjay Puri, ADG, NCC DTE(UP)at the Annual NCC Camp

Impressive Display by Naval Cadets during Visit of Maj. Gen. Sanjay Puri, ADG, NCC DTE(UP)at the Annual NCC Camp

TIL Desk Lucknow/ Major General Sanjay Puri, SM VSM, ADG, NCC Directorate UP, reviewed the ongoing Annual Training Camp for Naval NCC Cadets at La-Martiniere College, Lucknow. He was received by Brig Ravi Kapoor, Group Commander and Captain (Indian Navy) Navendu Saxena, Camp Commandant and CO of 3 UP Naval Unit Lucknow. Upon his arrival, the ADG was presented with a spectacular Band Performance by Naval NCC Cadets.

The ADG inspected the Camp Premises and reviewed the training activities for cadets, including the rigorous Boat Pulling on Gomti, Swimming training, Weapon Handling Drills, Firing, Ship Modelling and Parade Training. An impressive cultural display was organised at the Spence Hall in honour of the visiting dignitary. About 320 cadets from 13 Schools & Colleges participated in the 10 day rigorous camp, which gave them an exposure to the challenging life of naval personnel at sea and an opportunity to hone their professional skills.

The Naval Training activities have recommenced during the current training year post the Covid restrictions. It may be recalled that the naval unit had undertaken an extremely challenging Sailing Cum Boat Pulling Expedition on Ganga covering 300 kms over 7 districts and 50 villages in October, last year. Since then, the NCC training has commenced in a full-fledged manner, covering all watermanship activities, classroom activities, weapon drills and parade training. The introduction of Agnipath Scheme has given a further impetus to the training activities, and the path-breaking scheme is seeing tremendous positivity and excitement amongst NCC cadets.

The ADG lauded the efforts and enthusiasm shown by cadets and complimented the Group Commander, Commanding Officer, Chief Instructor, Sailors & civilian staff of naval unit for imparting a very high standard of training during the camp. He addressed the cadets and appreciated them for going through rigorous training regimen with josh and gusto, and imbibing the NCC values. He talked to the Cadets about the Agnipath Scheme, which not only provides an excellent career opportunity for young students but also tremendously benefits the nation and her Armed Forces.

He exhorted the cadets to develop the qualities of unity & discipline along with leadership, espirit-de-corps, adventure and enterprise; which would help them to grow as responsible citizens and contribute towards nation – building. He said that the NCC camps are a great opportunity for cadets to hone their personal and professional skills. The Camp Commandant, Captain Navendu Saxena said that visit of the ADG to the camp site would be a great source of inspiration and motivation for the young naval NCC cadets.

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