
Afghan Prez Ghani warns Taliban on links with LeT, Jaish, Al-Qaeda

Afghan Prez Ghani warns Taliban on links with LeT, Jaish, Al-Qaeda

TIL Desk/World/Kabul/ Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani has asked the Taliban whether they want foreign fighters like Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Al-Qaeda to turn Afghanistan into a battleground for “foreign terrorist”,He said that Afghan people do not know what the Taliban has promised to these groups, but they would not allow their country to become a battleground for terrorist groups.

Ghani said that the Taliban are not committed to peace, and hinted at a new plan to change the situation, saying political interference in the security sector was behind the fall of some areas. After offering Eid prayers at the Presidential palace, Ghani paid tributes to the security forces, saying they have rendered great sacrifices and this year’s Eid is named “Soldier’s Eid”.

Ghani, referring to the visit of a delegation led by Abdullah Abdullah, head of the National Reconciliation Council, to Doha and two days of talks with Taliban representatives there, said the government sent the delegation to Qatar to try for peace. As per the report, he accused the Taliban of having no intention of making peace.

“If you are Afghans, come and unite within the framework of Afghanism. Do you have a positive message for the people of Afghanistan, especially women,” he asked, as per the report. Ghani said the Afghan government had released 5,000 Taliban prisoners, but most of them went to the battlefield. “It was a mistake to release 5,000 prisoners because the Taliban have not yet started peace talks,” he said.

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