
As its ‘high-tech’ ship berths at Sri Lanka port, China says it doesn’t affect any country

As its 'high-tech' ship berths at Sri Lanka port, China says it doesn't affect any country

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ China on Tuesday said the activities of its high-tech research vessel will not affect the security of any country and should not be “obstructed” by any “third party,” as the ship berthed at Sri Lanka’s southern port of Hambantota amid Indian and US concerns. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin the ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ has ‘successfully berthed’ at Hambantota port with ‘active cooperation from the Sri Lankan side’.

Wang parried a question of extending financial support to Sri Lanka, which went bankrupt defaulting on USD 51 billion in foreign debt which included loans from China. He said that when the ship arrived, the Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong hosted the onsite welcoming ceremony at the Hambantota port, which Beijing took over on 99-year-lease as a debt swap in 2017.

Apparently referring to Indian and US concerns over the ship with military applications berthing at the Hambantota port in the Indian Ocean, Wang said, “I want to stress again that the marine scientific research activities of the Yuan Wang 5 are consistent with international law and international common practice. They do not affect the security and the economic interests of any country and should not be obstructed by any third party,” he said.

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