
Benjamin Netanyahu wins in Likud party leadership primary

Benjamin Netanyahu wins in Likud party leadership primary

TIL Desk/World/Jerusalem/ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured a landside victory in his ruling Likud party”s leadership primary election by gaining about 72 per cent of the votes, official results revealed on Friday. Netanyahu”s rival Gideon Sa”ar, a former Education Minister, garnered only 28 per cent of the ballots cast on Thursday.

The result will enable Netanyahu to lead Likud into the national elections on March 2, 2020 and also gives him another opportunity to form a coalition government after failing in two previous attempts this year. “Great victory!” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter earlier after an exit poll put him on course for about 70 per cent of the vote.

“With the help of God and with your help, I will lead the Likud for a great victory in the elections and will continue to lead Israel to great achievements,” he added. In a tweet, Sa”ar congratulated Netanyahu and said he would support him in the national elections.

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