
Bombing, air strikes kill 25 in Yemen

Bombing, air strikes kill 25 in Yemen

TIL Desk World/Aden/ Eleven civilians, including five members of one family, and 14 Huthi rebels have been killed in shelling and air strikes in Yemen in two days, military and rebel sources said today. An air strike by the pro-government Saudi-led coalition killed five Shiite rebels today when it targeted a convoy of three vehicles in Marees, in the southern province of Daleh, a military official said.

One of the vehicles was transporting weapons, the official said, adding three other rebels were wounded in the strike. Six other insurgents were killed in a similar raid on two vehicles in Al-Makhdara, in the central province of Marib, another military official said.

Shelling by government forces killed three more rebels in the same area of Marib, east of the rebel-held capital Sanaa. The Arab coalition started an air campaign against the Iran-backed rebels in March 2015 after the insurgents closed in on President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi in his refuge in the southern city of Aden.

Rebel media accused the coalition of conducting air strikes today across several regions in Yemen, killing two civilians in the western province of Hodeida.

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