
Celebrations as Australians vote ‘Yes’ to same-sex marriage

Celebrations as Australians vote 'Yes' to same-sex marriage

TIL Desk/World/Canberra/ Australians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of legalising same-sex marriage in a historic nationwide poll with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull voicing confidence that the Parliament will give it the force of law.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday announced the astounding result of the two-month postal survey on same-sex marriage with 61.6 per cent of people voting ‘yes’ and 38.4 per cent voted ‘no’ in the postal survey.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a vocal advocate of marriage equality, called on lawmakers to heed the “overwhelming” result and to commit to legislate for gay marriage before Christmas. “It is our job now to get on with it, and get this done,” the prime minister said today shortly after ABS declared the survey result.

“I say to all Australians, whatever your views on this issue may be, we must respect the voice of the people. We asked them for their opinion and they have given it to us. It is unequivocal, it is overwhelming,” he said. Every state and territory recorded over 60 per cent ‘yes’ result except New South Wales, which recorded 57.8 per cent approval.

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