
China, Germany pledge closer innovative partnership

China, Germany pledge closer innovative partnership

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ China is ready to forge a closer innovative partnership with Germany, Prime Minister Li Keqiang said in a meeting here. Li made the remarks at a bilateral forum on innovation cooperation on Thursday, also attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Calling China and Germany a golden pair of innovation cooperation, Li said such a partnership has put a high-powered engine to China-Germany pragmatic cooperation.

In 2014, the two countries launched a joint action plan themed “shaping innovation together”, which set a precedent for science and technological cooperation between major countries, said Li.

During the past three years, solid steps have been taken in bilateral innovation cooperation, namely the alignment between “Made in China 2025” plan and Germany’s Industry 4.0 concept, the successful cooperation model of the Research Funding 2+2, and the rapid development of various China-Germany industrial parks.

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