
China’s aggressive behaviour in Indo-Pacific can spark crisis there: US

China's aggressive behaviour in Indo-Pacific can spark crisis there: US

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ Describing China as a pacing challenge, US Defence Secretary Llyod Austin said Beijing’s “aggressive behaviour” in the Indo-Pacific could spark a crisis in the region.

Responding to questions from members of the Senate Armed Services Committee during a Congressional hearing on the annual budget of the Pentagon, he stressed on having a direct line of communication between the militaries and also between government officials.

“As we look at some of the aggressive behaviour that we have witnessed from China in the Indo-Pacific, I’m concerned about something that could happen that could spark a crisis,” Austin said on Thursday.

“We need the ability to be able to talk with our allies and partners and also with our adversaries or potential adversaries. So, I think there needs to be a direct line of communication between the military and also between government officials as well,” the defence secretary said.

Austin described the US’ relationship with China currently as one of competition. “They desire to be the preeminent country on the planet. Their mid to long-term goal is to do that. They look to compete with us, not only militarily but across a spectrum of activity,” he said.

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