
Coronavirus worse than Pearl Harbour, 9/11 attacks: Trump

Coronavirus worse than Pearl Harbour, 9/11 attacks: Trump

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ The deadly coronavirus attack on the US is worse than that of Pearl Harbour and 9/11, President Donald Trump said on Wednesday. “We went through the worst attack we have ever had in our country. This is really the worst attack we have ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbour.

This is worse than the World Trade Center. There has never been an attack like this,” he told reporters in the Oval Office of the White House during a meeting with nurses. At another White House event, when reporters asked him about his comments earlier that likened COVID-19 to the Pearl Harbour and September 11, 2001 attacks, Trump said, “I view the invisible enemy as a war.

I do not like how it got here, because it could have been stopped, but no, I view the invisible enemy like a war.” “Hey, it has killed more people than Pearl Harbour.  And it has killed more people than the World Trade Center. The World Trade Center was close to 3,000. Well, we are gonna beat that by many times, unfortunately. So, yeah. We view it as a war,” he added.

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