
Danger grows as Xi Jinping made ‘Chairman of Everything’

Danger grows as Xi Jinping made 'Chairman of Everything'

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held its Sixth Plenum from 8-11 November, and Chairman Xi Jinping used this choreographed political theater to further cement his status in the pantheon of Chinese communist leaders. There are no indications that he wishes to relinquish a single joule of power over the nation, but there are occasional signs that this authoritarian leader does face opposition.

One of the main tasks of this Sixth Plenum of the 19th CCP Central Committee was to pass the “Resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century”.  This is just the third historical resolution in CCP history, the preceding two tabled in 1945 and 1981 under Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping respectively.

This essentially placed Xi among the big three. Allied to the resolution was whether Xi will remain in power indefinitely. Certainly, the communique made no mention of Xi being leader for life, but the Central Committee’s approval certainly permits Xi to remain in office for one, if not two or more, additional terms lasting five years each.

Support from the committee gives Xi an indefinite extension on the reins of power, which will surely result in hawkish and insular policies. It does not bode well for relations with the USA, or with anyone else who does not bow the knee to Beijing, for that matter.

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