
Donald Trump describes Obama as campaigner-in-chief

Donald Trump describes Obama as campaigner-in-chief

TIL Desk/World/ Jacksonville-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has slammed US President Barack Obama for holding election rallies in support of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, describing him as campaigner-in-chief. “Because of our failed leaders, including from the campaigner-in-chief Obama this guys does nothing but campaign,” Trump yesterday said at an election rally in Salema, North Carolina.

According to police, the rally was attended by nearly 18,000 people, considered to be big by American standards. “You know I said the other day, I said, ‘Let him work on bringing our jobs back from Mexico who stole our jobs. Let him work on building up our very depleted, you know it better than anybody, our depleted military,'” he said. “Instead, he is campaigning with somebody who is under the FBI investigation,” he alleged.

Obama has hit a campaign blitz this week. He addressed two election rallies in Florida yesterday. Both the events attracted thousands of people, with his supporters standing in long ques for hours to listen to him. The development seems to have unnerved the Trump Campaign, given the kind of increased attack against him by Republican leaders. “We need a president that’s gonna go in and do their job. And I just left, by the way, Miami. And in leaving, I see Air Force One. So I said to myself I wonder who that could be. And it’s our president. And he’s down here campaigning for crooked Hillary,” Trump told his supporters in Jacksonville.

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