
Hasina announces abolishing quotas for govt. jobs

Hasina announces abolishing quotas for govt. jobs

TIL Desk/World/Dhaka/ Amid student protests, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday announced she will be abolishing the quota system for government jobs. Students and job-seekers have been demonstrating on the streets demanding reforms to the quota system that entered the fourth day on Wednesday and brought key roads in Dhaka to a standstill.

“The quota system will be abolished,” Hasina said while addressing Parliament in the afternoon when thousands of students blocked many major roads in parts of capital Dhaka. Hasina said the protests were “irrational” after the government had already made assurances regarding the demonstrators’ demands.

She questioned the rationale of the students and job-seekers continuing with the demonstrations even though the government promised to examine the quota system and give a decision in the wake of their demands. The Prime Minister also condemned the attack on the Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor’s residence and said those who masterminded and perpetrated the assault would be punished accordingly

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