
‘Historic moment’: Taliban hails US exit from Afghanistan

'Historic moment': Taliban hails US exit from Afghanistan

TIL Desk/World/Kabul/ Taliban has hailed the departure of United States troops from Afghanistan, terming it a “historic moment” while declaring that the country is now a “free and sovereign nation”.

Speaking to reporters from Hamid Karzai International Airport on Tuesday hours after the US troops left the country, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the victory of his group “belongs to us all”.

“We do not have any doubt that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is a free and sovereign nation,” he said, adding the Americans “could not achieve their goal through military operations”.

He also promised that Afghanistan will have “working diplomatic relations” with the West, vowing that Afghans “will protect our freedom, independence and Islamic values”.

The United States forces left Afghanistan on Tuesday morning, marking the end of a chaotic and messy exit from America’s longest war.

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