
Hizbul chief Salahuddin threatens nuclear war against India over Kashmir

Hizbul chief Salahuddin threatens nuclear war against India over Kashmir

TIL Desk/World/Karachi-The Pakistan government has again encouraged terrorist Syed Salahuddin, chief of the Hizbul Mujahideen, to threaten war against India over the Kashmir issue, and this time, he has threatened a nuclear attack on India. Speaking to reporters in Karachi, Salahuddin said there is a great chance of a nuclear war taking place between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue.

“Pakistan is duty bound, morally bound, politically bound and constitutionally bound to provide concrete, substantial support to the ongoing freedom struggle on the territory of Kashmir. And, if Pakistan provides this support, there is a great chance of a nuclear war between the two powers,” he added.

He said three wars have already been fought between the two countries over the Kashmir issue, adding that he can predict a fourth war with certainty because Kashmiris are no longer willing to compromise under any circumstances. “Whether the world supports them or not; whether Pakistan stands by them or not; whether the United Nation performs its duty or not; they have taken a pledge to fight up to the last drop of their blood,” he added.

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