
Important to incentivise Taliban so that they fulfil promises, says Pak PM

Important to incentivise Taliban so that they fulfil promises, says Pak PM

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said it is important to incentivise the Taliban so that the new rulers of Afghanistan fulfil the promises they made after they seized power in Kabul last month.

The Taliban are yet to get international recognition. The heavily armed group have promised an inclusive government, a more moderate form of Islamic rule than that of their previous regime from 1996 to 2001, including respecting women’s rights. However, their recent moves indicate that they are returning to their repressive policies, particularly toward women.

According to an official statement, Khan in an article published in US-based newspaper on Monday said the world desired an inclusive Afghan government, respect for the rights, and commitments that Afghan soil shall never again be used for terrorism.

Taliban leaders will have greater reason and ability to stick to their promises if they are assured of the consistent humanitarian and development assistance they need to run the government effectively, he said.

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