
India must honour religious freedom, says US about Citizenship law

India must honour religious freedom, says US about Citizenship law

TIL Desk/World/London/ The United States is concerned about the implications of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in India, a top American diplomat responsible for monitoring international religious freedom said on Friday.

“One of India’s great strengths is its Constitution. As a fellow democracy, we respect India’s institutions, but are concerned about the implications of the CAB Bill,” Sam Brownback, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, said in a tweet.

“We hope the government will abide by its constitutional commitments, including on religious freedom,” he said in his tweet, which comes days before next week’s 2+2 ministerial between India and the US.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh are scheduled to arrive at Washington DC next week for the second 2+2 ministerial with their respective American counterparts — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper — on December 18.

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