
India’s Illegal move will destroy regional peace: Imran Khan

India's Illegal move will destroy regional peace: Imran Khan

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has termed India’s move to revoke Article 370 as “illegal” and one which would “destroy regional peace and security”. His reaction came after the Indian government earlier in the day decided to revoke Article 370 that gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir and split the state into two Union Territories: Jammu and Kashmir with an Assembly and Ladakh without one.

The cricketer-turned-politician termed changing the status of Jammu and Kashmir as a “violation of UN resolutions”. “India’s move will further deteriorate relations between nuclear-capable neighbours,” he said. The official Twitter handle of President Arif Alvi said: “India’s attempt to further change status of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir is against the resolutions of UNSC and against wishes of the Kashmiri people.”

“Pakistan supports and insists on a peaceful resolution based on wishes of Kashmiri people and stands with them in their hour of need,” he said in another tweet. Earlier, a statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Office said: “The Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory.” It said that “no unilateral step” by the Indian government can “change the disputed status” according to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

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