
Iran’s new president Ebrahim Raisi calls for extensive ties with neighbours

Iran's new president Ebrahim Raisi calls for extensive ties with neighbours

TIL Desk/World/Tehran/ Iran’s newly-elected President Ebrahim Raisi has said establishing extensive interaction with the neighbouring countries constitutes one of his government’s main foreign policy principles. He made the remarks on Wednesday in a meeting with Nurdinjon Ismailov, speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan.

“There are countless potentials for the development of relations between the two countries in different fields, especially economy,” Raisi was quoted as saying by the Iranian Presidency’s official website. For his part, Ismailov said that Uzbekistan seeks to develop and strengthen comprehensive relations with Iran, especially in the trade and economic sectors.

In the same day, Raisi also held meetings with envoys from other countries dispatched to Iran’s capital Tehran to attend Raisi’s inauguration ceremony on Thursday. During his meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Hamad al-Busaidi, Raisi said that Iran aims to develop relations with Oman “in all political, economic, social and cultural fields.”

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