
Israel bombs Gaza Strip after Palestinian rocket fire

Israel bombs Gaza Strip after Palestinian rocket fire

TIL Desk/World/Gaza-Israeli air strikes hit four sites in the Gaza Strip today, causing damage but no injuries, officials said, after Palestinian militants fired a rocket that struck a building in southern Israel.  The four sites included a workshop, two locations for Hamas’s armed wing and a military training site for militant group Islamic Jihad, the security official said on condition of anonymity.

Two of the sites were in Gaza City while the other two were in Beit Lahia, in the north of the enclave, run by Islamist movement Hamas. All of the sites have been previously targeted by Israel, the official said. Israel’s military said in a statement it had “targeted four locations that were components of Hamas’s operational infrastructure in the northern and central Gaza Strip” in response to the rocket.

A rocket launched from the strip hit a building in the southern Israeli city of Sderot late Friday, damaging it but causing no injuries, the military said. Israeli media said the rocket had hit a kindergarten, but the military had not provided further details. Friday’s rocket is the 13th projectile fired from the Gaza Strip to have hit Israel since the start of 2016.

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