
Israel discloses evidence of Iran’s breach of n-deal

Israel discloses evidence of Iran's breach of n-deal

TIL Desk/World/Jerusalem/ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has disclosed files which he said could “prove” Iran’s secret development of nuclear weapons. In an address broadcast live on all main TV channels in Israel, Netanyahu on Monday lifted a curtain, revealing shelves housing what he said was part of Iran’s nuclear archive.

Israeli spy agencies obtained 55,000 pages and 183 CDs from Iran’s “secret nuclear archive”, he noted. These files provide a “conclusive evidence” that Iran had deceived the international community since the deal was signed in 2015, Netanyahu said.

The nuclear deal was designed to limit Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the removal of international sanctions on Iran. “Iran lied about never having a nuclear weapons program,” the Israeli prime minister said.

 “Even after the deal, Iran continued to preserve and expand its nuclear weapons know-how for future use” at the Fordow nuclear testing site. The disclosure came ahead of US President Donald Trump’s looming deadline to decide whether to extend the waiver on nuclear-related sanctions against Iran.

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