
Just like fish takes to water, Pakistan has taken to hate speech: India at UN

Just like fish takes to water, Pakistan has taken to hate speech: India at UN

TIL Desk/World/New York/ India has slammed Pakistan for “spewing venom and false narratives” of monumental proportions in the United Nations, saying it takes to hate speech like fish takes to water and “obfuscates” the international community from the truth as Islamabad yet again raked up the Kashmir issue at the world body.

Pakistan consistently rakes up the Kashmir issue at various UN platforms in a bid to internationalise it but has repeatedly failed to get any support. Last week, Islamabad failed in its efforts to get any traction from the membership of the UN Security Council when its ‘all-weather ally’ China made another pitch to raise the issue in the 15-nation Council. There was consensus among the rest of the Council members that Kashmir is a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan.

India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador K Nagaraj Naidu, speaking at a session of the General Assembly on ‘Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization’ on Wednesday, said Pakistan. “indulges in confabulations and obfuscates the international community from the truth” instead of putting an end to the “bellicose and vitriolic diatribe” and taking steps to restore normal ties. “Just like a fish takes to water, one delegation has again taken to hate speech. Every time this delegation speaks, it spews venom and false narratives of monumental proportions.

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