
Mail corruption disqualifies Hillary from seeking presidency: Trump

Mail corruption disqualifies Hillary from seeking presidency: Trump

TIL Desk/World/Washington-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is disqualified to seek the highest office in the US in the wake of new documents released by FBI in email corruption scandal, her rival Donlad Trump has said. “The new revelations about Hillary Clinton from the just-released FBI documents make more clear than ever that she fails to meet the minimum standard for running for public office.

If she applied for a low-level job at the State Department today she couldn’t even get a security clearance,” Trump said at an election rally in North Carolina. “Her conduct is disqualifying,” Trump said as he listed out his allegations against Clinton in the wake of the FBI report.

Emboldened by latest poll, which indicates that he has eliminated the popularity gap with the former Secretary of State, Trump said it is clear from the FBI report that Hillary Clinton lied about her handling of confidential information.  She repeatedly told the country that she understood the classified system, then she told the FBI she didn’t understand that the letter “C” meant confidential in the documents she emailed, he said.

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