TIL Desk/World/Washington/ A military parade ordered by US President Donald Trump for later this year has been postponed until at least 2019, a defense official has said, following reports the cost had soared to over USD 90 million.
“The Department of Defense and White House have been planning a parade to honor America’s military veterans and commemorate the centennial of World War I,” Pentagon spokesman Colonel Rob Manning said in a statement.
“We originally targeted November 10, 2018 for this event but have now agreed to explore opportunities in 2019,” he added. When the White House in February announced the commander-in-chief’s desire to hold a parade in Washington, the budget director said it would cost between USD 10 million and USD 30 million.
But a US official told earlier yesterday the planning estimate had now gone as high as USD 92 million, though no final figure has been reached. The parade had been planned for the Veterans Day weekend, and was expected to include a large show of air power.