
New Israeli PM Naftali Bannett wants ‘unique and warm relations’ with Modi

New Israeli PM Naftali Bannett wants 'unique and warm relations' with Modi

TIL Desk/World/Jerusalem/ Israel’s newly elected Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday that he was looking forward to working with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to further develop the “unique and warm relations” between the two democracies.

Bennett, the 49-year-old leader of the right-wing Yamina party who on Sunday became the new premier ending Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year hold on power, said this while responding to Prime Minister Modi’s congratulatory tweet.

Prime Minister Modi earlier congratulated Bennett on being sworn in as Israel’s new prime minister, and said he looked forward to meeting him and deepening the strategic partnership between the two countries as they celebrate 30 years of the upgradation of diplomatic ties next year.

“Thank you Mr. Prime Minister @narendramodi, I look forward to working with you to further develop the unique and warm relations between our two democracies,” Bennett tweeted from his official handle.

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