TIL Desk/World/New York/ Pakistan must demonstrate its desire to collaborate with the US in its fight against terrorism, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said today, Tillerson reiterated what the Trump administration has been saying about Pakistan for the past several months now after President Donald Trump announced his South Asia policy in August.
Trump while announcing his South Asia Policy had criticised Pakistan for not doing enough to combat terrorism. “Pakistan must contribute by combating terrorist groups on its own soil. We are prepared to partner with Pakistan to defeat terror organisations seeking safe havens, but Pakistan must demonstrate its desire to partner with us,” Tillerson said.
“A commitment to stop Islamist terrorism and extremism also motivated the administration’s decision to adopt a new South Asia strategy, which focuses on Afghanistan. That country cannot become a safe haven for terrorists, as it was in the days before the September 11 attacks,” he wrote as he summarised up his key diplomatic accomplishments in the first year. Defeating terrorism remains one of Trump’s highest priorities, Tillerson said.