
Putin warns against ‘losing cool’ on North Korea

Putin warns against 'losing cool' on North Korea

TIL Desk/World/Hamburg/ Russian President Vladimir Putin underlined the importance of staying calm in the North Korea crisis, saying nuclear-armed Pyongyang should be dealt with in a “pragmatic” manner.

“The North Korea nuclear problem is very serious. But here, one must not lose his cool, but rather act in a pragmatic and delicate manner,” said Putin during a meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-In.

The bilateral talks came on the sidelines of the G20 summit in the northern German city of Hamburg, where leaders of the world’s top economies are gathered.

Ahead of the summit, Moon called for toughened sanctions against the North at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. But he insisted he was ready to meet the North’s leader Kim Jong-Un in a bid to ease tensions.

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