
Quad summit went very well, says US President Biden

Quad summit went very well, says US President Biden

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Joe Biden has said that the first virtual summit of the Quad leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, went very well and everyone seemed to like it a great deal.

Known as the “Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,” the Quad grouping comprises the US, India, Australia and Japan. The representatives for the four-member nations have met periodically since its establishment in 2007.

Biden on Friday opened the first Quad Leaders’ Summit held virtually and attended by Prime Minister Modi, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.”It (Quad summit) went very well. Everyone seemed to like it a great deal,” Biden told reporters on Sunday in his first reaction on last week’s Quad summit involving leaders from Australia, India and Japan.

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