
Saudi Arabia calls for dialogue between India and Pakistan

Saudi Arabia calls for dialogue between India and Pakistan

TIL Desk/World/Riyadh/ Saudi Arabia has emphasised the importance of dialogue between Pakistan and India to resolve their outstanding matters, including the Kashmir issue. Pakistan Foreign Office on Saturday night released a joint statement agreed between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia after Prime Minister Imran Khan held high-level talks with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Khan is on an official visit to Saudi Arabia from May 7-May 9. “The two sides emphasised the importance of dialogue between Pakistan and India to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries, especially Jammu and Kashmir issue, to ensure peace and stability in the region,” according to the joint statement.

The Crown Prince “welcomed the recent understanding reached between the military authorities of Pakistan and India regarding ceasefire at the Line of Control, which is based on a 2003 understanding between Pakistan and India.

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