
Situation at border with India generally stable: China

Situation at border with India generally stable: China

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ China on Monday said the situation along the Sino-India border is generally stable and both sides are trying to resolve the boundary issue through talks.

Asked about a Western media report that India has redirected at least 50,000 troops to its border with China, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing Beijing that the situation at China-India border maintains general stability, and the two sides are resolving the boundary issue through negotiation”

“Against such background, the words and deeds of relevant important military and government officials and military deployments should be conducive to deescalating and cooling down the situation, and to enhancing mutual trust, rather than the opposite”, the spokesman said.

Wang’s remarks also came days after India and China on Friday agreed to hold the next round of military talks at an early date to achieve the objective of complete disengagement in remaining friction points in eastern Ladakh amid fresh sparring between the two sides on the prolonged Line of Actual Control standoff.

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