
Situation in Hong Kong deteriorating, China not keeping commitment: Biden

Situation in Hong Kong deteriorating, China not keeping commitment: Biden

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating and the Chinese government is not keeping the commitment that it made, US President Joe Biden has said. The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating and the Chinese government is not keeping the commitment that it made on how it would deal with Hong Kong, Biden told reporters on Thursday at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Biden administration is expected to issue a business advisory on Hong Kong on Friday. And so it is more of an advisory as to what may happen in Hong Kong. It’s as simple as that and as complicated as that, he said in response to a question on the issue. Meanwhile, the Problem Solvers Caucus’ on Thursday endorsed the bipartisan resolution condemning the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 100 years of human rights abuses against its own people.

Congressman Mike Gallagher had introduced the resolution ahead of the CCP’s centenary on July 1, and has called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the bipartisan resolution to the House floor for a vote. The resolution supports the inherent right of the Chinese people to self-determination and free political expressionism independent of one-party rule, and denounces the CCP’s egregious record of human rights violations.

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