
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid says, he lived in Kabul under nose of his adversaries

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid says, he lived in Kabul under nose of his adversaries

TIL Desk/World/Kabul/ Taliban’s spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, who appeared before the media for the first time in a decade at a press conference after the insurgent group seized Kabul last month, said that he lived in the Afghan capital right under the nose of his adversaries who considered him a ‘ghost-like’ figure during the war.

Mujahid, who operated in the shadows for years, also admitted that he studied at the Haqqania seminary in Nowshera in northwest Pakistan, which has also been dubbed the Taliban University or the ‘University of Jihad’ internationally.

“They (US and Afghan National Forces) used to think I did not exist,” Mujahid told in an interview. “I escaped so many times from their raids and attempts to capture me that they seriously considered that ‘Zabiullah’ was a made up figure, not a real man who exists,” the 43-year-old spokesman said.

“And yet, I managed to move about Afghanistan freely. I think this perception helped with that,” he explained. “I lived in Kabul for a long time, right under everyone’s noses. I roamed the width and breadth of the country. I also managed to have first-hand access to the frontlines, where the Taliban carried out their actions, and up to date information. It was quite puzzling for our adversaries.”

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