
Taliban trying to isolate Kabul, situation ‘deeply concerning’: Pentagon

Taliban trying to isolate Kabul, situation 'deeply concerning': Pentagon

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ The Pentagon has said that Afghan Taliban militants are trying to isolate the capital city Kabul and the situation on the ground is “deeply concerning”. “We are certainly concerned by the speed with which the Taliban has been moving,” Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby told reporters on Friday in a press briefing. “It’s deeply concerning.”

He said that the insurgent group is trying to isolate Kabul, while noting the capital city currently is not “in an imminent threat environment”. He reiterated that the Afghan forces, which the US will continue to support, are capable of making a difference on the ground. “This is a moment for the Afghans to unite, the leadership and in the military. No outcome has to be inevitable here.”

The Pentagon announced Thursday that three infantry battalions, about 3,000 troops, will be deployed to Kabul airport within 48 hours to support US embassy staff reduction and Afghan Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) applicants evacuation given the Taliban’s rapid offensive across the country.

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